Docs > Wizards



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Name Description Required
children Steps nodes Yes
getStepLabel An optional function that given a step number, returns the step label. No
renderHeader An optional function that is used to render a custom header No


Inside your step components (i.e. the children of RruStepsWizard), you can use useRruStepsWizardContext to control the wizard.

These properties are available in the context:

Name Type Description
currentStepNumber number The current step number.
currentStepLabel string The current step label.
currentStepInputData any The current step data passed from the referring step.
goToStep (stepNumber: int, [data: any]) => void A function used to set the desired step. You can pass data to the step which you’re setting.
firstStep ([data: any]) => void A function used to go to the first step. You can pass data to the first step.
lastStep ([data: any]) => void A function used to go to the last step. You can pass data to the last step.
nextStep ([data: any]) => void A function used to go to the next step. You can pass data to the next step.
previousStep ([data: any]) => void A function used to go to the previous step. You can pass data to the previous step.